Generator transfer switches(Auto or Manual) and how they work- by Generator Hero

How do generator transfer switches work?

A generator transfer switch is an ingenious device. It works by transferring your home’s internal power circuit from depending on the main electrical grid to depending on your home’s generator instead.

Your home’s circuit becomes the only path that will connect to any outside power through a transfer switch. The switch can then be u...

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How to choose between a diesel or natural gas generator- by CK Power

How to choose between a diesel or natural gas generator.

When opting for a generator, whether as a prime-power or stand-by power source, there are two routes to go with – diesel or gas generators. Both generator set options have distinct benefits and require a deeper look at the application along with some personal preference analysis. From cost and reliability to available...

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7 steps to proper maintenance of diesel generator by M.H. Al Mahroos

A diesel generator is the combination of a diesel engine with an electric generator (often an alternator) to generate electrical energy. This is a specific case of engine-generator. A diesel compression-ignition engine often is designed to run on fuel oil, but some types are adapted for other liquid fuels or natural gas.

They require less maintenance due to their durability...

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5 Things You Should Know On AVR For AC Generators by Yan H.

A generator should always be efficient enough to keep the voltage stable. That’s because if the voltage fluctuates while working, it might damage the appliances. A sudden shift in voltage amount can cause unwanted sparks in the devices. For this purpose, we use an automatic voltage regulator for the generator.

An automatic voltage regulator is a crucial part of the alternat...

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